It's no secret I adore Giada de Laurentiis. If you asked who is my favorite chef, whose show I enjoy the most, or whose recipes I love, I would say Giada even before you finish asking the question. I joke with the hubby that our first daughter should be named Giada in honor of her.
Well, two weeks ago I was on spring break and I happened to stop in to Williams-Sonoma for some browsing (very dangerous and tempting indeed). On the back desk, I happened to see this flier:GIADA WOULD BE HERE AT THE PHILLY STORE FOR A BOOK-SIGNING EVENT!!!!!
Of all the people that could have come, it happens to be my favorite! I was not sure if I would be off work early enough (it was my first week of my internship), so I did not reserve my ticket quite yet. The morning before the event, I called up to get my ticket, but they said their register was down and to call back later. After explaining that I would be at work ALL day, she assured me that if I came by after work they would still have plenty of tickets left.
I eagerly went over straight after work. And my dreams were shattered. The person at the cashier said they had sold out one hour before, and there was no possible way I could get a ticket. I even explained (quite tearfully) how I had been guaranteed a ticket just that morning, but it made no difference. I went home, so sad, thinking that I would come by the next evening anyway and try to at least take some sort of paparazzi shot of Giada the Great.The following night I just so happened to get off work extra early, so I decided to try one last time to get that ticket of mine. I spoke with the manager, and it just so happened that she was the one who had assured me a ticket the previous morning! she had told all of her employees about me except one who was on her lunch break at the time, and that was the one that had denied me my precious ticket.
I got in line at 4:30 and waited for 2 1/2 hours. While waiting, I enjoyed some delectable items that were passed around--featured recipes from her new cookbook. While waiting, I saw that not only would she personalize and sign her new book (Giada at Home), but she would sign other books as well! I called the hubby up and he brought my other two Giada books.I thought of what I, her greatest fan would say when we were face to face. I started getting more nervous and excited as the line got shorter and shorter. My big moment was almost here!
I passed my book to the worker who wrote out my name on a post it and put it on the page for her to sign. I took a few steps closer, she took my book.
"Savanna...without an "h!"
"Yep!" I said.Then, i froze up. What do I say next? Do I wait for her to start the long anticipated conversation? I could see my big moment passing right before my eyes, as she was almost finished signing my books and I would be hurried out the door.
"Savanna has really been looking forward to meeting you. She is actually in a culinary program herself now! She loves watching your show."
The hubby saves the day!
"Oh really? Are you enjoying it?"
"Oh yes!" And then I quickly squeak, "I love your recipes!"
"Well, it looks like you have a nice stack of books here with lots of recipes. Happy cooking!"
"Thanks!"And before I knew it, I was hurried along to the special "picture-taking" spot (which didn't even work out since the people getting her signature was blocking the view to her). how sad i was not allowed to get a picture with her!
and seriously, what happened to me?? I had been looking forward to this for so long, one would think that I could said a bit more than "Yep," "Oh yes," and the rushed and squeaky, "I love your recipes!" But thank goodness the hubby was there! I wouldn't have even gotten these three lines in if it weren't for him! It's quite humorous actually.
So after we went out of the store, we stood outside the window where we could see her and i could take in the moment. My few seconds with Giada seemed to just fly right by and I felt like I did not really get a chance to notice the details because of the adrenaline rush.
Who knew the climax of my life would come so early? :) just kidding, but seriously, this was a BIG moment for me. Next, Ina Garten needs to come (my other favorite chef---pronounced EYE-nuh, not EE-nuh)! Then I could die happy.
that is a very funny story, i'm sure the same thing would have happened to me. i liked your picture with giada... her cover pic looks real.
How exciting! I'm glad you were finally able to get in. What a hilarious story.
Pretty soon folks will be standing in line for your new book.
hahah! im bummed though that she didnt throw in her usual words into your conversation. like: "savanna without an h. that's like parmiggiano, or proscutto, or ricotta, or ravioli without my delightful italian accent." and im pretty sure i just spelled all those food items wrong. ha! thanks to her, i can now say those words correctly if i cant at least spell them.
im glad you finally got to me giada dearest. really i am.
hey and i hope youre feeling better.
Way to go chef Savanna!! I liked you in your official chef outfit. Quite professional. Since Jesse saved your bacon, he should be officially named your sous chef.
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